Have fun in the summer sun while keeping your dog safe from heat stroke.
Heat stroke can strike when you may not suspect it. Those 100-plus-degree-days at the end of July are sometimes less dangerous than the first few warm days of summer when your pet is less acclimated to the heat. Making judgments based on your own comfort and exertion levels is a good start but there as significant differences in how a person's body copes with heat, versus how a dog's body can. Unlike people, dogs can't sweat. Their only real means to lower their body temperature is through panting. If they get into a situation where their temperature is rising faster then they can pant, they'll be in serious trouble in a matter of minutes.
You would never risk the safety of your beloved pet. You know not to leave him in a car on a warm summer day, you make sure he has plenty of fresh water, and you make sure he has a cool, shady place to rest in the yard. Yet many dog owners, just like you, end up racing to the emergency room every summer anyway, with their dog suffering from heat stroke anyway.
A dog's normal body temperature should be between 100 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. According to veterinarians Roger W. Gfeller and Michael W. Thomas, temperatures over 106 degrees is a life-threatening emergency. At high body temperatures in dogs, organ and brain damage start to occur. The longer the temperature remains elevated determines the severity of the damage. Certain factors can put a dog at greater risk of falling victim to heat stroke, such as age (older dogs are more susceptible,) size (a larger body mass increases risk,) and breed (short nosed breeds such as pugs and boxers cannot pant as efficiently).
Preventing heat stroke is always better than treating it after the fact. Dogs with heavy coats can be kept trimmed short during summer months. When you're on an outing with your dog, make sure to provide them with plenty of rest, shade, and cool drinking water, even if you feel fine yourself. Don't count on your dog to limit himself. Many will literally play until they drop, so it is up to you to set restrictions. Signs of heat stroke to watch for include: increased breathing, heavy panting, excessive salivation that may progress to a dry mouth, grayish or red gums, disorientation, lethargy, and at the most severe, collapse and death.
At the first sign of overheating, you need to start helping your dog to cool off, and seek veterinary care immediately. If your dog can still drink, offer cool water. You can also use water to cool his body. Use water that is cool, but not cold. Don't use ice as it will cause the blood vessels in the skin to constrict, and actually slow the heat exchange needed. Good areas to focus on are in the groin, tummy, and armpit areas because there is usually less hair to get in the way. If you have any available, use rubbing alcohol on the pads of the feet or even the skin. It evaporates even faster than water does so it will speed up the cooling.
After doing what you can to lower your dog's temperature, get him to a doctor without delay. Minutes count. If you have a phone available, it's best to call ahead and let the veterinary hospital know you're on your way. They can then make any preparations necessary to treat your dog as soon as possible. Even if your first aid produces positive results it is still important to seek medical attention to determine how much damage, if any, has been done. Blood tests may be necessary, as well as hospitalization and fluid therapy depending on if any organ damage has occurred.
Summer outings are all the more enjoyable when your dog buddy comes along. Being aware of these danger signs, and knowing what to do should your dog get more heat than he can handle will make sure you have many, many more enjoyable summer days together.